Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tienpo con Sultan en San Miguel

This little guy is acutally 'Oli,' Norm's oldest son, Joe's dog, but he looks very much like 'Sultan' the little schnauzer we'll be caring for while in San Miguel de Allende this year. Maybe we should have re-named our blog Tiempo con Sultan!
Watch for our adventures to begin on April 18th when we return to the lovely San Miguel de Allende.

~Norm & Nancy
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A travel shrine is supposed to a representation of my journey in all its many manifestations. It should show how eager and excited I am to go; it should also show my fears and hesitations, my joys and my fears.
Its primary purpose is to help me see and understand all the issues that surround this journey. What do I want to learn while in San Miguel? What do I want to learn about Mexico? What do I want to learn about myself in San Miguel? These are the questions the Travel Shrine is supposed to help clarify.
Shrines trace back to antiquity, perhaps to when that first cave man lugged a special rock into his cave and placed it on his hunting shrine. Here is my Travel Shrine.
I have lofty plans for my time spent there – 1) Caring for an adorable little schnauzer named Sultan 2) Studying Spanish with a private tutor (maybe it will ‘take’ this time!) 3) Completing the anthology I’m working on for Kaplan Publishing – BEYOND BORDERS, and 4) typing up hours and hours of the manuscript from weekly taped telephone calls with my mother this winter. I’ll be compiling all her wonderful memories into a ‘book’ for the family and hope to have at least all that typing done by the end of my time in Mexico.
So, you can see it will be truly busy four months, but I’ll be living a fantasy as I’ll truly be…

A writer in San Miguel,